Dryden Central School District
Capital Improvements Project 2022
Our District has a strong history of providing quality programs for children as well as maintaining our campus facilities. On April 5th, 2022, the Dryden Central School District residents will be voting on a “no additional tax impact” Capital Improvement Project. It will be fully funded by leveraging New York State Building Aid, managing debt service payments and using the District’s existing capital reserve funds.
This $12 million project is another step toward enhancing our buildings and programs for current as well as future students. We are focusing on safety, security improvements and the replacement of aging infrastructure items. This project represents our continued vision of aspiring to be the school district others strive to be.
To protect our past investments, the District and the Board of Education worked hard to develop a plan. The work began with the Building Condition Survey as required by the New York State Education Department to ensure school districts are planning for and maintaining their facilities. Plans include replacement of items that have the potential to fail and/or are substandard as they are at the end of their warranties or expected useful life. Upgrading these items now will not only provide better experiences for students and staff, but it will also allow for our facilities to run at maximum efficiency. Other improvements focus on enriching the experience of our students to educate and empower them.
The project work includes continued school safety improvements, window replacements, modernizing and upgrading boiler systems. In addition to toilet room renovations, roof replacements, parking lot repairs, fire alarm system upgrades, and handicapped accessibility improvements across the District.
Understanding the need at Dryden Elementary School, a large portion of this project will be focused on renovating the building to bring equity to the students attending. Along with the district-wide improvements, the school will receive renovations to the cafeteria/kitchen, nurse’s suite, bathrooms, corridors, and a new playground. Upgrading these facilities will allow Dryden Elementary students the same level of educational opportunities as those attending Freeville and Cassavant Elementaries.
This project will result in no tax increase for Dryden CSD residents as it is fully funded by leveraging New York State Building Aid, managing debt service payments and using the District’s existing capital reserve funds.
Dryden CSD has a long tradition of investing in school facilities that are of high quality, well-maintained and safe. We also aspire to be the school district others strive to become by providing students facilities that foster an empowering learning environment.
There will be an informational meeting about the project on Monday, March 28th, 2022 at 7PM at the MS/HS library.
The vote shall be held on Tuesday, April 5th, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM at the MS/HS Auditorium located at 118 Freeville Rd, Dryden, NY 13053. Applications for absentee ballots to vote on the proposition may be applied for at the office of the School District Clerk. All District residents are encouraged to exercise their right to vote.