Board of Ed.

Upcoming Meetings:

Our Board of Education Agendas, Resolutions and Minutes are now on AgendaManager.
DCSD Board of Education Meeting
When: November 18, 2024 at 6:30pm
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About The BOE

The Dryden Central School District has a nine-member Board of Education. The School Board are elected by the people of the district as the legal body that establishes educational policies and sets goals and objectives for the district. These policies and goals are carried out  by the superintendent and staff. Terms are for three years and overlap to ensure continuity of Board leadership. School Board members receive no pay for their public service. The School Board is accountable to you, the Dryden School community and to the state and federal governments. The Superintendent of Schools is the chief executive officer of the District. It is their responsibility to advise board members on all matters, to execute policies and decisions made by the Board and to operate the district so that all students receive an excellent education.

Email Us
You can contact the
Board of Education
using our email address: [email protected]

(This email list includes
all board members, superintendent,
and district clerk)

Past Meeting Board Briefs

11/18/24 Board Briefs