School Safety

Building Security

  • Exterior doors are locked during the school day with a "buzz in" protocol and sign in sheets for visitors and electronic access points for staff. Regular door checks take place during the school day. Volunteers are approved by the Board of Education. There are ground/maintenance routine checks as well.

Regular Drills and Training

  • Evacuation drills
  • Lockdown drills
  • Table-top drills for administrators
  • Incident Command System training for administrators
  • Post-incident debriefing meeting with first responders

Monthly Safety Meetings

  • District-level: reviews District plan and provides guidance for building-level teams; presents District plan to the Board of Education;membership includes first responders (fire and police), insurance provider, parents, teachers, BOCES safety officer, administrators, BOE members, business official, building & grounds supervisor, transportation supervisor, superintendent; all plans submitted to NYS Police annually. 
  • Building-level: reviews specific building plan;recommends changes in protocols; discusses building concerns;membership includes first responders (fire and police for that building), parents, teachers from that building, administrators, building * grounds supervisor as requested.

School Culture

  • District mission statement includes focus on youth development
  • Anti-bullying programs (Elementary Character Education, Responsive Classrooms, Second Step; Middle School Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports; High School Respect and Responsibility)
  • School culture where safety is everyone's concern


District Safety Plan
Emergency Protocol FAQ

Safety Reminder

Lockdowns occur when there is an awareness of a situation requiring investigation in the building. Once the investigation is completed, the lockdown is lifted and classes resume. The purpose of any lockdown is to assure student and staff safety.